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Professional and Collaborative
Jennifer Wyman and Nikki Webster have been delivering specialist training through Bridge the Gap Child Mental Health CIC for eight years. Nominated for an ACAMH award, their training is widely recognised for its ability to break down complex and sensitive topics in a relaxed, engaging, and accessible way. With a holistic approach to mental health, they specialise in Emotional Literacy, Anxiety, Whole School Approaches, and Self-Harm, equipping professionals with the knowledge and confidence to support children effectively.
Please enquire using the form at the bottom of this page. Thank you, training helps to fund the work we do in the community, meaning your training does good in more than one way!
1️⃣ Self-Harm Awareness & Support
✔ Delivered by an experienced specialist mental health nurse
✔ Understand why self-harm is increasing & how to support young people
✔ Interactive training with case discussions & Q&A
💡 £250 per hour | Up to 20 staff

2️⃣ Anxiety: Red Flags & Review Tools
✔ Recognizing when anxiety requires additional support
✔ Understanding how anxiety presents differently in children
✔ Exclusive access to our new school anxiety review tool
💡 1-hour or 2-hour session available (£250 per hour)

3️⃣ emotional first aid
✔ Practical strategies for co-regulation, emotional coaching & resilience
✔ Learn how to provide emotional first aid in schools & community settings
✔ Coping skills for big emotions
💡 £250 per hour

4️⃣Supporting Children's Mental Health
✔ Tailored training from 1 hour to a full day
✔ Covers core topics like emotional literacy, resilience, and mental health first response
✔ Creating a mentally healthy school culture
✔ Embedding emotional literacy into everyday practice
✔ Identifying Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in children
✔Suicidal Ideation: Recognition & Response
✔ Cost-effective strategies to enhance wellbeing provision
✔ Free & low-cost resources that make a big impact
✔ Making the most of existing staff capacity for emotional support
💡 £250 per hour

5️⃣Beyond the Feeling Chart: Embedding Emotional Literacy in Schools
✔ Understanding the difference between active and passive emotional education
✔ What is Emotional Literacy and why does it matter?
✔ Exploring different intensity emotions and how they present in children
✔ Strategies for developing emotional literacy in the classroom
✔ Emotion Coaching and co-regulation
💡 £250 per hour

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