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Parenting an Emotional Teen
11-13 years olds can push our buttons just as much as our toddlers and the expectations we have as they get older means that our fuse can ge
Back to School
Starting school, new school, new year. Whatever the transition going back to school can take it's toll on our children AND us. FREE down
Storms Pass
Looking at child development can give us an opportunity to find parenting strategies that fuel connection and support emotional development
The Thing That Drives Us
Rewards. Should we use rewards as a form of behaviour management and does it impact a child's mental health in any way? Do we use our lo
Child Mental Health - Physical Development
There is a new headline about child mental health every week, why is there a decline and how can I support my child? Looking at it from gras
The Community Model
Finding out more about the new community garden in the heart of Littleover, Derby. How we can support emotional and mental health and well-b
Unconditional Love - Rewards and Punishments
Alfie Kohn is inspirational and a must read author for any parents and teachers.
Joy Needs Sadness
Raising children who are emotionally literate helps to support their long-term mental health. I used this video a lot in the early days of B
Sibling Squabbles
It's about looking at it from a different perspective and from a child development perspective. Why are sibling arguments helpful? We ne
Are People Born WICKED?
It’s my birthday month and my 40th year, these milestone birthdays really do make me reflect on my experiences, what I’ve learned and...
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