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The Crucial Role of Training and Supervision in Emotional Literacy Support
Dealing with emotions involves discussing sensitive & personal matters. Emotional literacy specialists must uphold strict ethical standards
Harry's Heroes, Mental Health and Vulnerability
I just loved this programme, a mix of nostalgia and stories of sport and resilience. I laughed, I cried, and I now can’t get the John Barnes
Hope and Honesty
For any of you who have known me for a while, you may be aware that blogging is something I have done for a long time. Over the years as...
The Community Model
Finding out more about the new community garden in the heart of Littleover, Derby. How we can support emotional and mental health and well-b
Unconditional Love - Rewards and Punishments
Alfie Kohn is inspirational and a must read author for any parents and teachers.
Walking the Walk With Parents
Why I run my social media pages alongside my work, why I hope the ripple effect of my work will make a difference to children's mental h
Joy Needs Sadness
Raising children who are emotionally literate helps to support their long-term mental health. I used this video a lot in the early days of B
Grounded and Happy
Sharing some of my mental health journey - so entwined with my physical health. Well-being and self-care have allowed me to learn to priorit
The Blame Game
"When something bad happens the first thing you want to know is whose fault it is." How true is this? Blame is never helpful and rarely...
It’s OK to Not Be OK - Even If You’re a Child
I often see and hear “They had a meltdown over nothing!” Or “My child has been crying for 20 minutes, I’ve no idea why”. ⠀⠀ Sometimes the...
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